Introduction to Dynasty

      The Dynasty epic fantasy series came, of course, from Lord of the Rings.

      It was opening night of the Fellowship of the Ring in December 2001. I was twenty years old. I had just seen a near-perfect onscreen recreation of my most treasured book of all time. I saw Gandalf on screen and he was just as warm and kind and powerful as I’d always imagined. My mind was racing when I got home. I was never going to get to sleep. I started reading Fellowship again for the twentieth time.

      As I read I started thinking… what would MY version of Lord of the Rings be? Just like I created Terminus eight years earlier to be MY version of Star Wars/Trek. Being a big comic book nerd, my first thought was ‘what if Gandalf could fly?’ My second thought was, well then he could just fly over to the evil lair and end the story right there. (Let’s not get into the eagles debate. They were servants of Illuvatar and not meant to interfere in the story!) My third thought was, ‘what if he chose not to?’ That was my leaping off point for the story. I started thinking about the moral implications of that. What sort of character would possess the power to help and decide to let others take the risk instead? This in turn took me to thinking about the morality of your typical medieval fantasy setting of rich corrupt kings and poor villagers. What if there was a character (a woman, of course) with our modern day sense of right and wrong who decided to rebel against ‘the way of the world’? What if this was the ‘villain’ the wizards fought, or sent others to fight?

      I didn’t start writing right away, of course. It stayed in the outline stage for years. I eventually worked out an entire trilogy of an epic war between the forces of good and evil with a healthy mix of moral ambiguity on both sides. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 had a huge influence on the story. I suddenly found myself with a current event mirroring the planned story in a twisted way, raising the question of the futility and morality of invading another country in the name of saving it from itself. I even found myself giving some Dick Cheney quotes to my characters.

      I completed my first novel, The Secret Apprentice, in 2006. What an accomplishment! I had finally put my money where my mouth was. I immediately started querying publishing companies and learned the dubious joy of constant rejection. I started writing the sequel, The Lord of the East, right away but found myself quitting halfway through. The story was about to visit a brand new land based on historic cultures I didn’t know enough about to write. This hurdle kept me from coming back to the story for almost a decade until I improved my skills enough to learn to write through the mental blocks and blank spaces.

      That first novel has been almost completely re-written, word by word, over the past eighteen years. Several times. I’m a very different writer now than I was when I first started. Every once and awhile I’ll come across a sentence that actually appears to have survived from the original draft. It’s usually in an action scene. I seemed to know what I was doing from the get-go there.

      The original version of the novel definitely had an emphasis on spectacle and action. Character and dialogue became much more important to me as I matured as a writer. I still like the spectacle though! I’ve put a lot of work into this first novel and I’m happy with it. My only regret is the story builds and improves so much in the sequels, I worry that readers will never get to the highs because they didn’t make it through the beginning. Here’s hoping they enjoy the first one enough to keep going, because it just gets better and better!

Podcast Promotions

Special thanks to my podcast friends who have helped me promote The Secret Apprentice!

Sci-Fi Pubcast:

Skywalking Through Neverland:

The Daily Beans:

Star Wars The Saga Begins:

Episode 235: First Look at The Acolyte

Enjoy Stuff; Techno-Retro Dads

Last Day to get Secret Apprentice for FREE!

Today is the final day of my FREE PROMOTION to get The Secret Apprentice e-book!

I got TWO different plugs on the Daily Beans political podcast! You can hear it at the end of the 3/26 and 3/27 episodes. I got a second one because they mispronounced my name the first time haha

I got to make a live appearance on the Skywalking Through Neverland Disney/Star Wars podcast on Tuesday with the recorded podcast version coming out today!

I’ve been seeing great numbers with my free promotion. This was the high point:

Best Sellers Rank: #357 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)

#3 in Dragons & Mythical Creatures Fantasy (Kindle Store)

#8 in Epic Fantasy (Kindle Store)

#9 in Sword & Sorcery Fantasy eBooks. 

Becoming A Writer

      Even before I could write, I wanted to be a writer.

      I can remember inventing stories and telling them to my parents in Kindergarten or earlier. I remember my invisible friend Memos (where did I come up with THAT name?) the Space Cowboy. Space Cowboys was my very first story, and of course it was sci-fi. I think the main character was named Dodge?

      The memories are hazy, and the originals lost to time, but I know I created Terminus sometime in 1993 at the tender age of twelve in (seventh?) grade. That makes this year the thirty-first anniversary! Yet another reason I’ve decided to finally go ahead with self-publishing. My biological clock is ticking and we’re hitting some major benchmarks now.

      It started as a short story called “Terminus: The Brink of Doom” and it starred two teen-or-twenty partners, male and female, working a case. Those characters survive today as the primary characters Sonyia Cayale and Alex Jennings, though back Alex’s name was Qwi Somontra. Sonyia was always royalty, though in the original 1993 version her father was King Lionel, a name I would go onto recycle in my fantasy series Dynasty. I have a vague memory of the two of them getting in a gunfight with some villains; I don’t think they had super powers yet. The basic notion at the time was to make my own version of Star Wars and/or Star Trek.

      As the years went on it became a series of five or six novels. I don’t even have the outlines of these anymore but they definitely weren’t written. The climax of the first novel survives today as the penultimate season finale of the current iteration of the series. Obviously with time I added a lot more to the story before that point! Even at this early stage, the basic premise was about the forthcoming apocalypse. The heroes who would stop it, and the villains who would ensure it.

      At some point I came up with the brilliant (to me, anyway) idea of converting this book series into a television show of hour long episodes. It started as a five season series, but I kept adding and adding until it became seven seasons. I’m not sure if this came about before I discovered Babylon 5 or because of it. I didn’t start watching Babylon 5 until the summer of 1997 in the middle of Season Four, but it had a huge influence on me as I eventually got to watch the reruns in TNT syndication several months later. Babylon 5 was and is a master class on serialized storytelling while also keeping standalone stories alive.

      Most of my work was just endless pages of notes and outlines. I only wrote a handful of scripts for vital episodes. I still have these at least. Sometime around 2002, after I thought up the Dynasty series, I decided the more ‘realistic’ option would be to write the Terminus television series as novels, get those published, and hopefully then sell them as a television show. I started Terminus the prose version in 2005 but quit after about four episodes.

      It wasn’t until 2013 that I finally got into true writing mode. By 2022 I had finished seven Terminus novels comprising the first half of the television series; 77 hour long episodes! This was in addition to the five (and a half) completed Dynasty novels. And the Fortannis novel. Thirteen novels, with only one published in small press!

      I’ve been doing the usual agent submission route for several years now, but my time is running out. I turned 42 last year, which as we all know is The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. Combining that with the 30 year anniversary of Terminus, I figured it was time to spend some money, roll the dice, and try to get my stories out there anyway I could.


“A wild romp in the best traditions of fantasy fiction. Action, adventure, and plenty of exciting surprises – I’ve read it twice before it was even published! Derek is a welcome new voice in fantasy fiction, and I genuinely look forward to seeing more of his output in the future.”
-Randal Graham, Author of the Beforelife Trilogy

A Dynasty is ending and a new hero will rise…

After being caught stealing from the King, hapless Goodwin’s world is turned upside down when he is told of his true destiny. Goodwin is the prophesized hero who will rid the world of Anudala, an evil wizard corrupting the land.
Thrust into battle, Goodwin discovers his power, but his eyes are opened to the ways of the world. His enemy Anudala claims to be leading a revolution against the King and Goodwin finds it difficult to argue with her message. However, with the Lady Damast, his gruff mentor, whispering in his ear, he doesn’t know who to trust.

As they travel across the land to find Anudala, Goodwin faces new foes and loses friends along the way. Struggling to figure out the truth, Goodwin wonders who is the true enemy?

With his biggest battle yet on the horizon, Goodwin must choose a side, knowing it will change his life forever.

Fans of Lord of the Rings and Avatar: The Last Airbender will love this epic fantasy tale.

My Stories

      I’ve got thirteen unpublished novels and a whole lot more in the outline stage just waiting to get out there!

      The most polished set is the high fantasy young adult series DYNASTY. There are six books in total. I’ve finished five and I’m about two thirds done with the final book. The first three books form an epic trilogy and the next three are a much looser set starring different characters. Dynasty is my take on Lord of the Rings, but in a very different fashion of course. It’s about a young woman leading a democratic rebellion against a corrupt King and the mysterious wizards propping up his rule, and the young man who is destined to either kill her or join her.

      TERMINUS is my first and most precious story. I’ve been planning this sci-fi young adult series since 1993 when I was only twelve years old. Ideally it would be a television series and is structured as such. While the books are written in prose, they are in the format of an hour-long episodic series. Each book is eleven episodes with a teaser and four acts. Personally I think this would be an amazing format to read a novel in, especially if you have a tragically short attention span like I do. It’s the greatest* (*pure hyperbole) television series never made! The series is seven seasons long and therefore fourteen novels. I’ve finished seven and reached the official halfway point of the series, which conveniently also serves as a perfect stopping point in terms of the closure of storylines. The series stars the leaders of the Great Alliance seeking to keep the peace in the face of endless threats both within and without… and the looming apocalypse. Put Babylon 5 and Star Trek and West Wing and comic book superheroes in a blender and you’ll see what I’m going for.

      I have other unwritten stories in the outline stage. EMPIRE is the prequel series to Terminus. Its five seasons of a television show and thus ten more novels. I haven’t written any of it yet but I have outlines for every episode. This show takes place three centuries prior to Terminus and covers the rise and fall of a great Empire, the birth of the Great Alliance, the creation of the superhuman Royals, and all sorts of other vital back story to Terminus.

      Yet another story set in the Terminus franchise, although millennia earlier, is the CANTON trilogy. This is supposed to be a set of movies rather than a television show so it’s only three books. I haven’t written it but it’s completely outlined. It’s my distant version of doing a Star Wars movie trilogy. This story takes place far in the past of the Somontran Republic and details a civil war over the issue of intervention amongst the younger races.

      Finally stepping outside of the world of Terminus… In my college years I started writing a Buffy-style urban paranormal television series called CLANDESTINE. I actually wrote ten screenplays before petering out but I outlined five seasons. It’s about a secret society with paranormal abilities fighting to protect humanity from paranormal threats while also preventing mankind from learning of its existence.

      Another idea I have only the vaguest of ideas about is a television series called CENTURY telling a sci-fi variation of the events of the Twentieth Century from World War One to World War Two to the Cold War.

      So I already have more have ideas for books than I’ll ever have the time to write… at this point in my life, my focus is on publishing the thirteen I have already finished. We’ll see what happens after that.

Secret Apprentice Releasing Tuesday March 19th!

My cover artist is finalizing Book Two as we speak, so the delays are finally over! I’m ready to release the first book on Tuesday March 19th! It will be an Amazon Kindle exclusive e-book available for purchase and for free on Kindle Unlimited.

A Dynasty is ending and a new hero will rise…

After being caught stealing from the King, hapless Goodwin’s world is turned upside down when he is told of his true destiny. Goodwin is the prophesized hero who will rid the world of Anudala, an evil wizard corrupting the land.

Thrust into battle, Goodwin discovers his power, but his eyes are opened to the ways of the world. His enemy Anudala claims to be leading a revolution against the King and Goodwin finds it difficult to argue with her message. However, with the Lady Damast, his gruff mentor, whispering in his ear, he doesn’t know who to trust.

As they travel across the land to find Anudala, Goodwin faces new foes and loses friends along the way. Struggling to figure out the truth, Goodwin wonders who is the true enemy?

With his biggest battle yet on the horizon, Goodwin must choose a side, knowing it will change his life forever.

Fans of Lord of the Rings and Avatar: The Last Airbender will love this epic fantasy tale.

“A wild romp in the best traditions of fantasy fiction. Action, adventure, and plenty of exciting surprises – I’ve read it twice before it was even published! Derek is a welcome new voice in fantasy fiction, and I genuinely look forward to seeing more of his output in the future.”

-Randal Graham, Author of the Beforelife Trilogy